Emirates Post issues stamps on Desert Snakes of UAE 2012
Emirates Post, in association with Dubai Municipality's Public Parks '&' Horticulture Department, Zoo Management, has issued special stamps on Desert Snakes of the UAE, in 5 denominations of Dh 1, 150 Fils, Dh 3, Dh 4 and 550 Fils, along with a souvenir sheet of Dh 25.
The stamps feature the Arabian horned viper, the carpet viper, the Arabian rearfang, Sochurek's saw-scaled viper and the sand boa.
"Emirates Post is delighted to support efforts in preserving the unique desert fauna of the UAE through these beautiful stamps. This is part of our move to spread awareness of the rich animal life in the desert and highlight the need to value and preserve it, for the larger benefit of environmental conservation," said Ibrahim Bin Karam, Chief Commercial Officer, Emirates Post Group.
The United Arab Emirates' varied habitat supports a good variety of reptiles dominated by lizards on one hand and snakes on the other. - Emirates News Agency, WAM